Frequently Asked Questions
Will Dual Enrollment classes transfer to any college?
Acceptance of credit is up to the host institution. Please check with the institution to determine transferability of credits. Typically, accredited colleges accept credits from other accredited institutions.
Can a student take college credits while he/she is a freshman in high school?
Yes, AP Human Geography
What’s the difference between AP classes and Dual Enrollment classes?
Both are college courses. However, for AP, college credit is determined by the college the student attends based on the student’s score on the AP test (some colleges have different requirements for scores and this is typically found on the colleges’ websites). For Dual Enrollment, college credit is earned if the student successfully passes the class.
Will the electronic portfolio be monitored? By whom and how often? Who will have access to a student’s electronic portfolio?
Students and parents are responsible for the electronic scrapbook; however, faculty will be able to review it. The portfolio will only be shared if requested and approved by students and parent.
Will a Collegiate Academy student have an MTSU ID?
Yes, applications for MTSU IDs are on the Collegiate Academy’s webpage.
Can a Collegiate Academy student use the MTSU facilities?
Yes, all MTSU facilities are open to Collegiate Academy students except the Health Care Facility.
Is BHS offering Mandarin next year?
No, not at this time.
Will Collegiate Academy students have the ability to request teachers?
Do Collegiate Academy students re-apply to the Collegiate Academy each year?
No, but they must continue to meet BCA guidelines.
How will other colleges and universities be informed of the Collegiate Academy’s program of study?
Colleges and universities will be sent a profile with a full description of the components and requirements associated with the Collegiate Academy.
Is Dual Enrollment only available for juniors and seniors at Blackman High School?
What are the costs associated with Dual Enrollment classes? Are there grant opportunities and/or scholarships available?
The tuition for a Dual Enrollment class is $166.00 per credit hour ($498 per class). This cost can be offset by the Dual Enrollment Grant (details in the next paragraph), if the student applies and is ruled eligible. The student/parents should be prepared to pay the tuition cost in advance and then be reimbursed. Other anticipated costs include textbooks, $25 application fee, online course fees, and any applicable lab fees.
The total amount of grant money per student is $1200 total for his/her high school career. Current juniors receive $500 for each of the first two dual enrollment classes, covering the cost of a 3 hour class ($498). Current seniors were only scheduled to receive $300 for each of the first two classes, but MTSU has decided to scholarship the additional $198 for the first two classes so that seniors could also have their first two classes covered in full. Students must maintain a 2.75 GPA for dual enrollment courses taken to stay eligible for the grant.
If my student is struggling with the required workload, what resources are available (in-school or out) to assist him or her?
BHS offers tutoring before and after school and during Prime Time.
Do the extra-curricular hours earned by a student have to be from Blackman High School? Or can extra-curricular hours earned elsewhere apply (Example: Murfreesboro Youth Orchestra in Fine Arts Pathway)?
Each student must complete a minimum of 20 hours of extra-curricular activities per year.
Will my student take all of his/her cohort classes with the exact same students (20-30) or will students be mixed up?
The same students will not be in the same cohort classes due to scheduling conflicts.
Are community service hours required?
No, but they are highly encouraged.