First Sergeant (Retired) or 1SG (R) James "Chris" Christopher Hart » 1SG James C. Hart-LET 1 (Freshman Class) Instructor

1SG James C. Hart-LET 1 (Freshman Class) Instructor

"To motivate young people to be better citizens"
Check your grades through Skyward using your assigned username and password. If you need assistance with your login information, visit or call our attendance office (ext. 22916 or ext 22913). Contact me if you have any questions. 
 Please see below for information on my class! 
  • Use Clever to login to your student account to access TEAMS .. If this is your first time accessing Clever from home, you will need to put your entire email address ([email protected]) and the password that you always use to log in to a computer at school. 
  • Our course uses TEAMS  to post assignments. If you are absent, please go to our School Course page to see missed assignments. Please access TEAMS by going to your school email and then accessing your Office 365 account. 
  • Access your Office 365 account (student email, Word, PowerPoint, Excel) by clicking here: the username and password are the same as your computer login at school. 


Welcome Back!!! 2022-2023

Welcome Cadets to School Year 2022-2023. We have a new curriculum (CMV3) with a new text book and cadet note book for each LET level. Each cadet will receive a hard- bound text book and cadet note book.  Cadets will sign for these materials and must turn-in the text book with their uniforms at the end of the year.  Highly recommend each cadet download their respective LET level books and cadet reference (V6) to their devices to use both in and out of class.  PDFs are shown below for your download convenience. 

 Please check your grades regularly through Skyward using your assigned username and password. If you need assistance with your login information, visit or call our attendance office (ext. 22913). We Use "MicroSoft Teams" to access all class materials. If this is your first time accessing "MicroSoft Teams" from home, you will need to put your entire email address in [email protected] and your password that you use to log into a computer at school.



The following instructors are the primary instructors for the respective LET level:

1SG(R) James "Chris" Hart- LET 1

CW3(R) Eric Hopper- LET 2 

COL(R)  Jeffrey Gaylord- LET 3 & LET 4 


Check your grades regularly through Skyward using your assigned username and password.  If you need assistance with your login information, visit or call the BHS Attendance Office (615-904-3850, ext. 22916 or 22913).


Subscribe to my page to receive updates.  The BLAZE JROTC Department will utilize TEAMS to post  assignments and important information. Cadets need to check their respective TEAMS class to keep up with assignments and requirements..


Blaze Battalion SY 22-23 Syllabus and Class Rules are available below for your reference and download. 


Finally, I have provided the Blackman High School Grading Procedures (August 3, 2022) for your reference.




  1. All assignments are posted on TEAMS.  Go to your respective TEAMS class for JROTC assignments.
  2. Each instructor holds office hours:  Tuesday and Wednesday, 1:25- 1:50 PM.  You need to email your instructor prior to requesting a video meeting so the instructor can open TEAMS Video and invite you to the meeting.



Any questions you can email me at: [email protected]

Have a Great Week!

Go Blaze!!!


1SG(R) Hart


Weekly Task Assignments Conflict Resolution May 2020

Blaze Cadets,
This is it! Last week of online assignments, you all have done a great job thus far. Your hard work and efforts are definitely paying off. Make sure you read this week's assignment and continue to forward you work back to me by the end of the week.
Let's finish out the week strong as we come to the end of the school year.
Talk to you soon,

Final Uniform Turn In Memo May 2020

Hello Cadets,
We need your help in getting the word out about the final turn in of the JROTC Uniforms scheduled for next week on May 13, 2020 from 9AM - 1PM at the JROTC classroom. Please read the memo attached and make sure if bringing items return everything dry cleaned or not!
1SG (R) Hart

Becoming A Better Listener Assignment WK 4-8 May 2020

Hello Blaze Cadets,
We are heading into our final two weeks of online instruction for the year, and for those of you who's GPA may be borderline, now is a good time to take advantage of these next two lessons/activities.
This week's lesson can be found in Chapter 4 of your LET 1 Books and is Lesson #2 (Becoming a Better Listener). You can find this lesson in your textbook on pgs. 234-241 and in the digital textbook on pgs. 239-246.
Ensure you conduct your reading, and as always study the "Key Note Terms" and be prepared for a short quiz. The attachment above has all the details and there is also a short writing assignment due on next Friday.
All of you that have participated, have done an outstanding job! Keep up the great work and let's finish strong these next "2" Weeks!
Take care & Be Safe!
1SG Hart(R)
JROTC Army Instructor

Weekly Student Task Assignments-Becoming an Active Learner

Hello again Cadets,
You Did It!!! Another week completed of online learning, and I wanted to take this time to thank all of you who are participating in all the activities/lessons presented so far. This is a true testament to your resiliency during these difficult times, job well done!
Going forward you will notice a slight change in our lesson formats. The word attachment above has this week's assignment for you to download and save or you can print if necessary. At the end of this message you will find your check-on-learning (quiz). But, first open the attachment, complete your reading assignment for the week and then submit all your answers as usual.
Enjoy, and be Safe!
1SG(R) Hart
LET 1 QUIZ: Becoming an Active Learner
April 27-May 1, 2020
Cadet Name: _______________________________________Company___________
Date: ________________

1. (U3C1L4:V1) What is the definition of the word "subjective"?
A) Of, relating to, or being a turning point or especially important juncture.
B) Characterized by action rather than contemplation or speculation.
C) Of, relating to, or constituting a subject; relating to or characteristic of one that is a subject, especially in lack of freedom of action or in submissiveness.
D) To assign to a category.
2. (U3C1L4:V2) What is the definition of the word "creative"?
A) Marked by the ability or power to create; given to creating.
B) Characterized by action rather than contemplation or speculation.
C) Of, relating to, or constituting a subject; relating to or characteristic of one that is a subject, especially in lack of freedom of action or in submissiveness.
D) To assign to a category.
3. (U3C1L4:V3) What is the definition of the word "classify"?
A) To declare or indicate in advance; especially: foretell on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason.
B) Characterized by action rather than contemplation or speculation.
C) Of, relating to, or being a turning point or especially important juncture.
D) To assign to a category.
4. (U3C1L4:V4) What is the definition of the word "active"?
A) Marked by the ability or power to create; given to creating.
B) Characterized by action rather than contemplation or speculation.
C) Of, relating to, or constituting a subject; relating to or characteristic of one that is a subject, especially in lack of freedom of action or in submissiveness.
D) To assign to a category.
5. (U3C1L4:V5) What is the definition of the word "objectivity"?
A) Acted on by an external agency; receptive to outside impressions or influences.
B) To declare or indicate in advance; especially: foretell on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason.
C) To see or form a mental (visual) image.
D) Expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations.
6. (U3C1L4:V6) What is the definition of the word "predict"?
A) Acted on by an external agency; receptive to outside impressions or influences.
B) To declare or indicate in advance; especially: foretell on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason.
C) To see or form a mental (visual) image.
D) Marked by the ability or power to create; given to creating.
7. (U3C1L4:V7) What is the definition of the word "visualizing"?
A) Acted on by an external agency; receptive to outside impressions or influences.
B) Marked by the ability or power to create; given to creating.
C) To see or form a mental (visual) image.
D) Expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations.
8. (U3C1L4:V8) What is the definition of the word "passive"?
A) Acted on by an external agency; receptive to outside impressions or influences.
B) To declare or indicate in advance; especially: foretell on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason.
C) To see or form a mental (visual) image.
D) Expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations.
9. (U3C1L4:V9) What is the definition of the word "critical"?
A) Acted on by an external agency; receptive to outside impressions or influences.
B) To declare or indicate in advance; especially: foretell on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason.
C) Of, relating to, or being a turning point or especially important juncture.
D) Expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations.

Holiday Cleaners Special Rates 2020

All Cadets,
Please view the attachment above pertaining to "Holiday Cleaners" special pricing rates for JROTC Uniform dry cleaning. Holiday Cleaners is ready to work with during the COVID-19 Pandemic in order to meet the needs of our program.
I you elect to use another dry cleaners other than "Holiday Cleaners", ensure that all garments remain inside the dry cleaning bag with the receipt attached to the outside of the dry cleaning plastic bag. Also Keep in mind that the Blackman JROTC Uniform turn-in day is May 5th, 2020 from 9am-1pm. It is vital that you make arrangements now so that you don't miss the turn-in deadline.
Please email me if you have any questions. Take care, and Be Safe!
1SG(R) Hart

LET 1 Personal Growth Plan/April 20-24, 2020

LET 1 EXERCISE For the Week of April 20-24
Chapter 1/ Lesson 3 Personal Growth Plan
(pgs. 152-156 textbook/156-161 digital textbook)
Hello again Team Blaze!
Hope everyone is doing well with the current “social distancing.” Well, we are finishing up week five of our “stay-at-home” order, and by now we are all aware of Governor Lee’s directive to keep schools closed for the remainder of the year. I understand a lot of you are disappointed, but just know that our leaders are very concerned for our health and welfare at all times. There are many lessons that can be learned during these times, especially how to persevere and to overcome adversity.
So for this week’s lesson it is only fitting that we continue to talk about moving forward through “personal growth.” I you haven’t already, then you may want to establish some goals for the future; and with that those goals should be clearly outlined so that you will have a good idea on how to achieve them. So here’s a question to think about; have you ever gone somewhere and found yourself lost? And during that period of time did you stop and ask for directions; or were you able to use some type of GPS? Regardless of what method you chose to use are you able to determine where you are now? Nevertheless, we have tools such as the “Personal Skills” map that offers a way to discover where you are now and it also shows how to get to where you want to go.
In this week’s activities you will get more familiar with what a personal skills map is and why it is an important part of your growth. As always, become familiar with the “key note terms” throughout this chapter and you will also learn about the following terminology;
• Adapt to change -Develop leadership skills
• Enhance ability to learn -Promote sensitivity/diversity
• Build teamwork skills -Prevent violent behavior
Ensure you read the chapter in its entirety and at the end of the activity you will have a check-on learning. Once your are complete, share your answers by emailing them back to my email address; [email protected]
Also in your response, take a brief moment and write a short paragraph to explain what type of growth you’ve experienced during this COVID-19 Pandemic. Again, be brief and do your best to put into words how you have grown during this time of social distancing.
Below you will find the quiz for this week’s activity, take your time, be safe and enjoy your week!


1SG Hart
LET 1 EXERCISE for the Week of April 20-24
Chapter 1/ Lesson 3 Personal Growth Plan
Cadet Name: _____________________________________________
Date: ________________

1. (U3C1L3:V1) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below.
The __________ scale indicates the degree of motivation and readiness for change in the skills measured by the Personal Skills Map.

A) change orientation
B) intrapersonal
C) persistence
D) adaptability
2. (U3C1L3:V2) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below.
When you choose to go on resolutely or stubbornly in spite of the opposition, you are showing __________.

A) change orientation
B) deference
C) persistence
D) adaptability
3. (U3C1L3:V3) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below.
Skills that occur by yourself are __________ skills.

A) adaptability
B) intrapersonal
C) assertion
D) deference
4. (U3C1L3:V4) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below.
The willingness and capability to change is known as __________.

A) emotional intelligence
B) intrapersonal
C) deference
D) adaptability
5. (U3C1L3:V5) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below.
_____________ is the learned ability to identify, experience, understand, and express human emotions in healthy and productive ways.

A) Change orientation
B) Intrapersonal
C) Emotional intelligence
D) Adaptability
6. (U3C1L3:V6) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below.
The Interpersonal ____________ scale indicates how effectively an individual uses direct, honest, and appropriate expression of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in dealings with others.

A) Assertion
B) Intrapersonal
C) Persistence
D) Deference
7. (U3C1L3:V7) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below.
When you show respect and esteem to a superior or an elder, you are showing ____________.

A) persistence
B) intrapersonal
C) deference
D) emotional intelligence

LET 1 Appreciating Diversity Through Winning Colors 13-17 April 2020

Hello Blaze JROTC!!!
Hope all is well with everyone,
I see by now most of you are getting use to the online learning format and adjusting to all the changes. I've been reading all your responses and have really enjoyed hearing from you. Keep up the good work as we prepare for our next assignment. 
For the week of 13-17 April we will be on the topic of Appreciating Diversity through Winning Colors. Please follow the instructions below.




13-17 APRIL 2020

Appreciating Diversity Through Winning Colors

Chapter 1/Lesson 1 (Digital Text pgs. 151-155) (Textbook pgs. 143-146)


          In our last discussion we spoke on the importance of “knowing who you are” as it relates to your “natural tendencies.” Going forward we are going to explore how much more importantly it is to understand yourself along with the aspect of creating a successful happy life.

            Think back to when you were a young child, and you starting to become familiar with different behaviors that you were exposed to by your parents and those caring for you. It was because of these behaviors that began to have some influence over you and form your personality. “Because these behaviors become familiar, you get “attached” to them; you attach a positive emotion to them, sometimes solely because it is what you know even though they may be negative or hurtful behaviors.” (

            In this lesson you will also explore more about the term “comfort zone,” along with the word “natural” and you will have a solid understanding of what it means to have a “preference.” Along with use of your winning colors that you just explored, there are a group of words that help describe traits for each individual color.

            Of course, this will require you to do some reading on your own in your textbooks, with Chapter 1/Lesson 2 on page(s) (151-155 Digital Textbook) and page(s) (143-147 Textbook). (

            In addition to the reading assignment take a moment to write a short paragraph(essay) explaining how you discovered what winning color best describes you. Be sure to look inside your text on pgs. 149-150/153-154 to help you describe in detail about your winning color.

            Once complete there is a check-on learning that is comprised of 18 questions. Your first 7 questions are strictly based on your own opinion; so, no need to worry about a right or wrong answer. Questions 8-18 are all multiple-choice and only have one correct answer. You can email your essays along with your numbered responses to the quiz in side the same email message once complete. Be sure to email your responses to my school address at: [email protected]

            Please email me if you have any questions pertaining to your assignments for the upcoming week. Also remember, all assignments are due no later than (NLT) 3:30CST on Friday afternoons of each week. This will allow for time to review each answer and to provide you with a response.


Best wishes to you all,


1SG Hart

Army Instructor JROTC


U3-C1-L2 Appreciating Diversity Through Winning Colors (Quiz)

Numbers 1-7 are all opinionated answers/8-18 all have “one” answer only!



Cadet Name: _____________________________________________


Date: ________________



  1. (U3C1L2:F1) How important to you are the personal preferences of others?


  1. A) Extremely important - I always try to consider other people's preferences while working with them.
  2. B) Very important - I try to consider other people's preferences while working with them.
  3. C) Somewhat important - I sometimes consider other people's preferences while working with them.
  4. D) Not at all important - As long as we get the job done it doesn't matter what people prefer.


  1. (U3C1L2:F2) When I communicate, I am most likely to:


  1. A) Want to be taken seriously and focus on the thinking behind the talk (planner)
  2. B) Take a bottom-line approach and focus on the results (builder)
  3. C) Want people to connect with me and be friendly (relater)
  4. D) Take a light-hearted approach and focus on fun (adventurer)


  1. (U3C1L2:F3) When there are things to get done, I am most likely to:


  1. A) Be duty-conscious and follow rules and directions (builder)
  2. B) Talk with others and find ways to help out (relater)
  3. C) Take action (adventurer)
  4. D) Be prepared with details and new ways of doing things (planner)


  1. (U3C1L2:F4) When others communicate with me, I prefer them to:


  1. A) Show genuine concern, share feelings, and be honest (relater)
  2. B) Be creative and express ideas (planner)
  3. C) Be concrete and to the point, forget the theory and long explanations (adventurer)
  4. D) Use a strong, short-idea approach and cool the emotions (builder)


  1. (U3C1L2:F5) My teacher or supervisor at work could help me stay on track by:


  1. A) Giving me exciting or challenging tasks with quick turnaround times (adventurer)
  2. B) Being a good listener or sounding board (planner)
  3. C) Being on top of things themselves and treating me properly (builder)
  4. D) Giving me people-centered assignments (relater)


  1. (U3C1L2:F6) When my plans affect others, I’m likely to:


  1. A) Support my ideas in a detailed fashion with in-depth explanations (planner)
  2. B) Want to get going and explain later, only if necessary (adventurer)
  3. C) Give step-by-step explanations of how the plan will be carried out (builder)
  4. D) Think about how my plans affect people and how they might react (relater)


  1. (U3C1L2:F7) If I’m in a group trying to work together, I really prefer people to:


  1. A) Thank each other for contributions and help each other (relater)
  2. B) Know the hierarchy of command and give it recognition (builder)
  3. C) Be logical and appreciate ideas (planner)
  4. D) Be spontaneous and have a sense of humor (adventurer)


  1. (U3C1L2:Q1) You are a Cadet Platoon Sergeant.  Cadet Cleveland is the squad leader of a very diverse squad.  Cadet Cleveland is usually a very effective communicator, but he is getting frustrated because he always has to repeat instructions several times before his whole squad understands. 


What should you do to help him understand why he has to explain more than once, and what he can do to improve understanding by his diverse squad?


  1. A) Tell him that sometimes leaders have to explain themselves more than once, even with squads that are not too diverse.
  2. B) Tell him that since he has a very diverse squad, he may always have to explain things more than once, but to pay attention for words that effectively get his message across, and to use them more often.
  3. C) Have him re-evaluate his own comfort zone and natural behaviors because they are probably different from what he first thought.
  4. D) Give him a list of power words to randomly use when he gives instructions so that at least some of his Cadets will understand.



  1. (U3C1L2:Q2) Cadets Hill and Franklin argued with each other every time they planned a task together. To try and stop this from occurring, their JROTC Instructor designed a task just for them.  The next time they were assigned to work together, she gave each of them a list of Winning Colors® power words and told them that when they spoke to each other, they had to use at least one power word in each sentence. To their surprise, they stopped arguing. What answer best describes why this happened?


Cadet Hill's Adventurer         Cadet Franklin's Planner

       Power Words:                         Power Words:         


   * Do it now                            * Being my best

   * Risk                                    * Thinking

   * Test the limits                      * Exactness

   * Excitement                          * Knowing the future

   * Freedom                             * Caring

   * Fun                                     * Analyzing

   * Challenge                            * Knowing more


  1. A) The Instructor forced them to use their own power words and natural behaviors when talking to the other.
  2. B) The Instructor forced them to use their own power words to get both of them out of their comfort zones.
  3. C) The Instructor gave them power words that helped strengthen their arguments, so when they both realized that neither of them would win, they stopped arguing.
  4. D) The Instructor forced them to use power words that matched the other's preferences, and didn't produce tension between them.


  1. (U3C1L2:Q3) Cadets Franklin and Smith have been best friends since they were five years old.  After they determined their Winning Colors® preferences, it seemed like they had very little in common.  Cadet Franklin was strong in planning and relating behaviors, and Cadet Smith was strong as a builder and adventurer.  Both of them realized that they did work better with others at times, and their friendship began to fall apart. 


What would be the best thing to say to help them remain friends?


  1. A) "Behaviors work in many ways, and if you tried to appreciate the differences, you would probably find that they complement each other, just like you."
  2. B)   Sometimes people just outgrow friendships.
  3. C) "This exercise was to help increase communication within a diverse society.  It doesn't have anything to do with friendship, so you should still be friends."
  4. D)   They probably shouldn't have been friends in the first place because their preferences were different.


  1. (U3C1L2:Q4) Jason was called a "go-getter" by his friends and family.  He was always taking risks and challenging himself, and sometimes it seemed like he would go too far and possibly get hurt.  However, before he did something, he always researched it, analyzed the risks, and then decided whether the risk was worth taking or not. 


How would you list Jason's two most dominant behavior preferences?


  1. A) Adventurer and Relater
  2. B) Adventurer and Builder
  3. C) Planner and Adventurer
  4. D) Planner and Builder



  1. (U3C1L2:G1)  T or F: According to Winning Colors®, you can communicate with others more effectively if you use power words that appeal to others preferences.


  1. A) True
  2. B) False


  1. (U3C1L2:G2) If you exhibit Winning Colors® builder behaviors, which of the following are some of your power words?


  1. A) Responsible, duty, tradition, money
  2. B) Leading people, power, results
  3. C) Be prepared, give directions, do it my way, I like to gets things done now.
  4. D) All of the above


  1. (U3C1L2:G6) Name the four dominant categories of behavior in Winning Colors®.


  1. A) Activists, Pacifists, Planners, Builders
  2. B) Relaters, Adventurers, Soloists, Performers
  3. C) Planners, Builders, Relaters, and Adventurers
  4. D) Detailers, Globalists, Builder, Relaters


  1. (U3C1L2:G7) In Winning Colors®, _____________ are quiet, introspective, and detail oriented. They are good listeners and tend to hide their feelings.


  1. A) Planners
  2. B) Builders
  3. C) Relaters
  4. D) Adventurers


  1. (U3C1L2:G8)  In Winning Colors®, natural leaders who express themselves openly and directly and are also rule-governed, dependable, and loyal are known as ________.


  1. A) Planners
  2. B) Builders
  3. C) Relaters
  4. D) Adventurous


  1. (U3C1L2:G9)  In Winning Colors®, those who like sharing ideas and feelings, who work well in teams, and who are social and love to talk are known as ____________.


  1. A) Relaters
  2. B) Planners
  3. C) Builders
  4. D) Adventurous


  1. (U3C1L2:G10) In Winning Colors®, who are the action-oriented who live in the present, are flexible, and thrive on spontaneity?


  1. A) Adventurers
  2. B) Planners
  3. C) Builders
  4. D) Relaters






LET 1 Lesson for Week April 6-10, 2020 (Self-Awareness)




6-10 APRIL 2020


Chapter 1/Lesson 1 (Digital Text pg 145)(Text Book pg 141)


            Knowing who you are is a vital aspect in life along with understanding what “Natural Tendencies” are and can be an “eye-opening” experience as well. “Everyone has preferences. How these are developed in each of us is a complex combination of things. Whether you are born with them or learn them-nature or nurture-can be an interesting question to explore. It is also interesting to think about how much preferences guide our behavior.” (

            For this week’s lesson you will need to become familiar with the following “Key Terms”

  • Assessment       Associate
  • Cluster              Differentiate
  • Introspection

This will require you to do some reading on your own in your text books, with Chapter 1/Lesson 1 on page(s) (141-146 Text Book) and page(s) (145-150 Digital Text Book). (

          Also, re-familiarize yourself with the “Winning Colors.”(Builder-Brown, Planner-Green, Adventure-Red, Relator-Blue) With the current state of the world right now, use the winning color that best describes how you are coaping with the reality of COVID-19/Coronavirus. Write a brief paragraph on how this “Pandemic” has affected your life and how you will handle life choices going forward from here.  Be sure to email your responses to my school address at:

[email protected]

          Last part of this lesson for the week will be a check-on learning that requires your knowledge and memory of the terms that you read about. In the same email that you will send your paragraph, use that to also send me the answers to your questions listed below. Remember to number and place your answer selection in the order that you see below. This will allow you to receive full credit for your work.

email address: [email protected]

Please email me if you have any questions pertaining to your assignments for the upcoming week. Also remember, all assignments are due no later than (NLT) 3:30CST on Friday afternoons of each week. This will allow for time to review each answer and to provide you with a response.


Best wishes to you all,


1SG Hart

Army Instructor JROTC



Self-Awareness (Quiz)

Chapter 1/Lesson 1 (APRIL 6-11, 2020)


Cadet Name: __________________________ LET Level _____________  Company___________


Date: ________________



  1. (U3C1L1:V1)  Choose the word that best matches the definition below.


"To group things together when they have common characteristics."

  1. A) cluster
  2. B) introspection
  3. C) associate
  4. D) differentiate


  1. (U3C1L1:V2)  Choose the word that best matches the definition below.


"Examination of one's own thoughts or feelings."

  1. A) introspection
  2. B) assessment
  3. C) associate
  4. D) cluster


  1. (U3C1L1:V3)  Choose the word that best matches the definition below.


"To make a distinction or state a difference between things so we can tell them apart."

  1. A) associate
  2. B) cluster
  3. C) assessment
  4. D) differentiate


  1. (U3C1L1:V4)  Choose the word that best matches the definition below.


"A number of similar things growing together, or of things or individuals collected."

  1. A) differentiate
  2. B) cluster
  3. C) associate
  4. D) introspection


  1. (U3C1L1:V5)  Choose the word that best matches the definition below.


"The act of evaluating or appraising a person's ability or potential to meet certain criteria or standards."


  1. A) cluster
  2. B) introspection
  3. C) associate
  4. D) assessment

2 April 2020 (Update)

Hello Parents and Students (Cadets),

            Just wanted to take this time to check-in with all of you and I hope that everyone is doing well during these times. As you all are aware by now, Governor Bill Lee has now extended the “Social Distancing,” until the of April 2020 in accordance with (IAW) President Trump’s national guidance. As we continue to navigate through these extenuating times, we now have some guidance on how to move forward in completing our 2019-20 school year.

            Starting the week after Spring Break, on Monday, April 6, 2020 “Device Checkout”- to offer consistency to our families, as BHS staff will offer times listed below for device checkout next week. The BHS staff will reexamine depending on the need towards the end of next week to determine hours moving forward. As a reminder, parents can request a printed copy of the district resources and/ or a device to borrow.

  • Monday and Tuesday April 6th and 7th (9 to 11 am)
  • Wednesday and Thursday April 8th and 9th (1 to 3pm)

As for LET 1 JROTC cadets, I anticipate you will also be privy to these resources so as you deem necessary. Beginning each week, starting on April 6th, you will have a weekly assignment posted onto the instructor’s individual webpage. These assignments are designed to invoke thought provoking activity while keeping you engaged in our course curriculum over the remaining part of the semester. All lessons will be uploaded at the beginning of each week and all completed work is due no later than (NLT) 1530CST (3:30PM) on the end of each week (Friday). Again, all assignments will be given at the beginning of each week, and each student will have the entire schoolwork week to prepare and submit each assignment at the end of each week on Friday NLT 3:30PM. All completed work is emailed to: [email protected] upon completion.

We realize that all end of course (EOC) testing is suspended due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and along with these weekly assignments we are only looking for maximum student participation each week. Again, these assignments are not designed to stress the student, or produce a pass/fail grade. The importance is to keep each student engaged and allow for interaction using technology during these current times.

Parents, feel free to reach out us on our webpages or via: or you can reach me through email at: [email protected]

Below I have also included the website where each student can access the digital copy of the Leadership Education and Training (LET 1) Lesson book. This is the same version that is utilized in class and should be easy to follow along in over the course of the next few weeks. I'll have more to follow and I look forward to hearing from each of you soon.


LET 1 digital workbook                




1SG Chris Hart

Blackman JROTC, Army Instructor