2 April 2020 (Update)

Hello Parents and Students (Cadets),

            Just wanted to take this time to check-in with all of you and I hope that everyone is doing well during these times. As you all are aware by now, Governor Bill Lee has now extended the “Social Distancing,” until the of April 2020 in accordance with (IAW) President Trump’s national guidance. As we continue to navigate through these extenuating times, we now have some guidance on how to move forward in completing our 2019-20 school year.

            Starting the week after Spring Break, on Monday, April 6, 2020 “Device Checkout”- to offer consistency to our families, as BHS staff will offer times listed below for device checkout next week. The BHS staff will reexamine depending on the need towards the end of next week to determine hours moving forward. As a reminder, parents can request a printed copy of the district resources and/ or a device to borrow.

  • Monday and Tuesday April 6th and 7th (9 to 11 am)
  • Wednesday and Thursday April 8th and 9th (1 to 3pm)

As for LET 1 JROTC cadets, I anticipate you will also be privy to these resources so as you deem necessary. Beginning each week, starting on April 6th, you will have a weekly assignment posted onto the instructor’s individual webpage. These assignments are designed to invoke thought provoking activity while keeping you engaged in our course curriculum over the remaining part of the semester. All lessons will be uploaded at the beginning of each week and all completed work is due no later than (NLT) 1530CST (3:30PM) on the end of each week (Friday). Again, all assignments will be given at the beginning of each week, and each student will have the entire schoolwork week to prepare and submit each assignment at the end of each week on Friday NLT 3:30PM. All completed work is emailed to: [email protected] upon completion.

We realize that all end of course (EOC) testing is suspended due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and along with these weekly assignments we are only looking for maximum student participation each week. Again, these assignments are not designed to stress the student, or produce a pass/fail grade. The importance is to keep each student engaged and allow for interaction using technology during these current times.

Parents, feel free to reach out us on our webpages or via: bhs.rcschools.net or you can reach me through email at: [email protected]

Below I have also included the website where each student can access the digital copy of the Leadership Education and Training (LET 1) Lesson book. This is the same version that is utilized in class and should be easy to follow along in over the course of the next few weeks. I'll have more to follow and I look forward to hearing from each of you soon.


LET 1 digital workbook





1SG Chris Hart

Blackman JROTC, Army Instructor