4,5,6 March-Wed-Fri

Skill Focus-
RCS4-Determine the meaning of words and phrases...
LCSE1-Demonstrate command of conventions in grammar and writing...
RKID3-Analyze how complex characters develop...
Station 1-VOCAB-"Who Wrote Shakespeare"-read the article; define all the bold terms; complete the multiple choice questions
Station 2-JC FOIL POSTERS-contrast 2 characters-include graphics and +4 quotes; Brutus vs Antony Funeral Speeches OR Brutus vs Caesar Tragic Heroes
Station 3-ACT ACADEMY-practice ACT grammar-sign up as a student.
Use headphones and watch this short Vid!
Stay fresh on Parallel Structure! Get 20 in a row correct!
Station 4-Antony Memory Speeches! Pg 1250, lines 70-84
Friends, Romans, Sophomores-BE READY!!!
After speeches, read ACT V, pg 1274.  Look for the Ghost of Caesar and 2 suicides on the battlefield of Phillipi!  Guess who dies on his birthday.... just like Shakespeare???  Read to find out...
All work DUE on Friday!!!