14-18 Jan (M-F)

1.  Read & complete worksheets:
"I Acknowledge Mine" pg 666  QUIZ
AMA Article Animal Medical Research pg 680 
2.  Unit 6 vocab QUIZ
3.  No Red Ink-2 writing lessons-complete the practice and quiz DUE Jan 25th
4.  Drafting Essay-evaluate the rhetorical devices in the articles and determine which argument/claim is stronger.  Identify and analyze weaknesses in the opposing article.  DUE Jan 24th +5 UNIT 6 VOCAB
TAG-2 articles
State topic /Issue
Thesis-identify strongest argument and identify 2 rhetorical devices
Body 2,3-
Topic sentence-identify strength of article (thesis) and state the rhetorical device
Explain examples
+2 Quotes/Explain
Concluding Point
Body 4-
Topic sentence-identify the rhetorical weakness of the opposing article
Explain example
1 Quote/Explain
Give a counterargument
Restate the thesis
Pose your own stance on the argument
Conclude with a powerful rhetorical question that emphasizes your position.