Mrs D. Boyd-English II Honors & BCA

  • Welcome to English II Honors and BCA!
  • Use Clever to login to your student account to access Schoology.  If this is your first time accessing Clever from home, you will need to put your entire email address ([email protected]) and the password that you always use to log in to a computer at school. 
  • Our course uses Schoology to post assignments. If you are absent, please go to our School Course page to see missed assignments. Please access Schoology by going to Clever, selecting Schoology, and then selecting our course. 
  • Access your Office 365 account (student email, Word, PowerPoint, Excel) by clicking here: the username and password are the same as your computer login at school.
Go Blaze!
Mrs. Donna Boyd


Thurs & Fri-August 17,18th

Finish reading and notes "SFS" pgs 72-74:  discuss theme
Proofreading 1-4 DUE Friday
"SFS" rough draft-write intro and body paragraph
See "SFS" PPT for writing prompt, intro and body paragraphs

Wednesday, August 16

1.  Proofreading 3 a,b
2.  Reading "SFS" short story pgs 66-74
3.  Notes/worksheet (see doc below)

Tuesday, August 15

1.  Proofreading #2-revise sentences
2.  Complete irony and theme notes "Little Girl and the Wolf"
3.  Short story-read pg 66-notes

Monday, August 14

1.  Proofreading #1a/b-rewrite the sentences correctly
2.  Genre/Irony-define
3.  Notes-Thurber PPT
4.  Read "Little Girl and the Wolf" by Thurber-analyze for genre and irony

Friday, Aug 11

 Patterns in Literature-Symbolism notes & analysis
HWread novel F451
Summer reading test-Aug 22,23