Blackman Info Tech (BIT)

BIT Club

The Blackman IT club (BIT) is comprised of members of all the IT classes here at Blackman. Meetings are held during classes and once a quarter.


Topics covered during meetings:

  1. Networks: We may discuss recent articles and videos on creating and managing networks.
  2. Cybersecurity: We may discuss recent articles and videos on Cybersecurity to include past hacks and present best practices for Cybersecurity.
  3. Dell Student Tech Crew opportunities.
  4. Recent IT discoveries and breakthroughs.
  5. Hour of Code through
  6. Cool websites to use for simulations on networks and computing.
  7. Youtube channels to subscribe to for IT purposes.

Activities through the year:

  1. Virtual field trips: Dell and Amazon.
  2. Guest speakers: People from the actual IT industry.
  3. Gaming Parties: Organize gaming challenges for prizes.
  4. Recycling electronic devices: Fundraising.
  5. Participation in challenges and competitions outside of school.
Bob Fortel