Wendy Payne » Wendy Payne, Choral Director/General Music

Wendy Payne, Choral Director/General Music

Welcome to the BHS Choirs, General Music, and Musical Theatre!
Welcome! Check your grades regularly through Skyward using your assigned username and password. If you need assistance with your login information, visit or call our attendance office (ext. 22916 or ext. 22913). 
Twitter:  Blackman HS Choir @BHSChoirs3
Remind for Concert Choir:  81010 @d7f47hg
Remind for BHS Singers:  81010 @ced9dfk
Remind for A Cappella Choir:  81010 @d9828kc
Remind for General Music 4th prd:  81010 @4thprdgm
Remind for General Music 5th prd: 81010 @5thprdgm
Remind101 for Musical Theatre:  81010 @g7fe6dk
Remind101 for BHS Choir Parents:  81010 @7ahgh8k
My Teaching Schedule:
     1st Period:   Planning
     2nd Period:  Concert Choir
     3rd Period:   A Cappella Choir
     4th Period:   General Music - 4th Lunch
     5th Period:   General Music - 4th Lunch
     6th Period:   Musical Theatre
     7th Period:   BHS Singers
     8th Period:   Planning
General Music ASSIGNMENTS will be set up in TEAMS and then changing to Schoology. 

Classroom Rules:

  1.       Only GOOD attitudes will be tolerated.
  2.       Be RESPECTFUL and TOLERANT to your classmates and teacher, their views/opinions, and their differences.
  3.       BE ON TIME TO CLASS - tardies will result in disciplinary action as mandated in the student handbook – LUNCH AND LEARN!
  4.       Know what you need everyday for class: JOURNAL, PAPER, PENCIL/PEN
  5.       Go to the bathroom BEFORE or AFTER class.
  6.       No food allowed in class. A contained beverage will be allowed if there are no instruments present.
  7.       CELL PHONES will be placed in your backpack or bag during the class period unless otherwise told. Cell Phone disciplinary action will be taken as mandated in the student handbook.
  8.       Be respectful to the instruments. Do not play the teacher piano.
  9.       DO NOT put on any kind of body sprays, perfumes, hairsprays, or fragrant lotions inside the classroom or right before class.
  10.      Do your BEST everyday!!!!!!!!!