Mr. Richie Conner » Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1.I thought this class was Biology I, not Latin. Why do you assign Latin Words?

Paraphrasing from the movie Akeelah and the Bee, big words come from a bunch of little words.  For example,

Latin      English

sis           process

ology     study of

cyto       cell

kinesis  movement


                                                                cytokinesis = process of cell moving apart

                                                                cytology= study of cells

                                                                cytoplasm= plasm (gel-like) material in a cell


2. Do you assign homework? 

What is “homework?” Homework is work that is done outside of the normal class time-frame that serves multiple purposes:

  1. Work to assist in preparation for the current concept.
  2. Work to assist in preparation for the upcoming major test.
  3. Work pertaining to a previous topic to clarify concepts or ideas that were not clearly previously mastered.
  4. Work done to reinforce previously learned/mastered concepts.

 In other words, there is always homework of some sort.  There are multiple charts and tables that can be filled out to make sure the student stays current.

 First Nine Weeks: Cell Structure Functions, Cell Types, Transport and Tonicity Charts, Biomolecule Chart,

Second Nine Weeks: Enzyme Chart, Mitosis Chart, Symbiotic Chart, Obtaining Food/Energy Scenarios

Third Nine Weeks: Photosynthesis double circle, ATP Production, Genetics Chart, Mutations Examples

Fourth Nine Weeks: Genetic Engineering, DNA Synthesis Chart, Species Isolation Scenarios



3. “I called and talked with the counselor or the assistant principal about a concern or problem and have not received a response from you pertaining to the concern. Are you ignoring me?”

 Usually, messages to counselors and principals are not necessarily forwarded to the teacher.  Usually they will tell you to contact the teacher directly.  My suggestion is to always contact the teacher first.



4.“My child says everyone is failing in your class.” Why do they allow you to continue to teach. You should be fired.”


It is interesting the words from their mouths.  In most of those cases, there is a disruptive, off-task and low performing group of students who as a group are not turning in homework, not doing the reviews before the test, not coming in for Impact Help Time, etc.  So yes, almost everyone (in their group) is not successful. 



5. I thought Blackman High School has a No Zero Policy. Why are there grades with a zero.


                ___/ 20 means that the assignment is not graded, not attempted and full credit is available.  This assignment is currently NOT counting in the average displayed.


                0 / 20 means that I have given a grade of zero and it can NOT be changed.  Usually this means the assignment was a homework assignment and was not complete or presented on the due date.  This was probably an effort grade.  Additionally, the correct answers were given in class on the due date.  Students that received a zero were given another handout to complete as we were going over it in class.  In my 14 years of experience, many will NOT fill out the answers as we are going over it.  Students are still responsible to the content.



6. Why was my child’s cell phone, earbuds, headphones, etc. turned into the office.

The County policy, Blalckman High School Policy and my classroom policy are NO Cellphones.  This means that I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THEIR CELL PHONES, HEADPHONES, OR EARBUDS during class time.  As many of you are finding out, science and mathematic courses are courses that involves concepts presented in a stepwise manner.  Many times, the phones are on the desk and when one of the hundreds of notifications/text messages, tweets, etc. come through they become involved in the phone and not staying on task.  Many will use the excuse to go to the restroom to use their phone.  That is why I require them to leave the phone when they go to the restroom.  Also, during short quizzes (10-15 minutes), students can NOT go to the restroom once the test starts in efforts to preserve the integrity of the quiz.

The reason why I do NOT want to see earbuds is self-explanatory. If they are listening to music or involved in a phone conversation, they are not listening to classroom teaching, instructions, directions, homework assignments, etc. 


Sadly enough, half the time the students are on the phone with you. 


7. Do you give extra credit?

Why do you ask?  Are you concerned about understanding the concept or getting a higher grade?  In most cases, many do NOT ask for help to understand why the grade was low (if they do NOT already know) and what can they do to understand the concept.  When the next test/quiz with the same concept is given students rarely perform better.  Other things to take into consideration.  Did the student:

  • Actively and satisfactorily participate in previous preparation for the test/quiz?
  • Request an Impact Pass for reteaching/remediation/enhancement?
  • Complete all homework/reviews for the assignment?
  • Use the review workbook that was given?
  • Read the pages in the textbook?
  • Watch the Amoeba Sisters video(s) associated with the lesson?
  • Rewrite the notes, use flashcards, fill in extra tables/charts if available?


So, I usually do NOT give extra credit.  If you think you deserve special consideration, request a Grade Review Form or download one from my Homepage.