Mr. Walker - Economics

Welcome to Mr. Walker's Economics!

Mr. Walker's email: [email protected]

On the left hand menu you will find PowerPoints, notes guides, assignments, the textbook, and the syllabus. 
Mr. Walker's Schedule:
1st: Economics
3rd: Honors Economics
5th: Planning
7th: Honors Economics
2nd: AP Microeconomics
4th: Planning
6th: Dean
8th: Economics
About Mr. Walker:
I am currently in my 16th year of teaching. I am also a dean and student council sponsor. In 2008, I received my Bachelor's degree in Business Education from Murray State University. In 2010, I received my Master's degree in Secondary Education from Murray State. Finally, in 2014, I received my Specialist (Ed.S.) degree in Administration from Tennessee Tech. I look forward to engaging students in our economics curriculum where I primarily work with our 12th grade students to make them better problem solvers, informed citizens, and voters. Go blaze!