Nurse and Clinic Information
Hi! My name is Rachel Bullard I'm the school nurse for Blackman High School. A little bit about me, I graduated from MTSU with a Bachelor's in Nursing in 2003. My main background is ICU, I have also worked in same day surgery, and this is my 5th year as a school nurse. I strive for open communication with parents, students, and teachers. Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have.
1. You must be fever free (without medication) for 24 hours before returning to school. Fever-100.4 or higher
2. Wash your hands/Cover your cough.
3. Bring a doctor note or parent note to excuse absences.
4. If your doctor has given you special instructions, please bring those to the school nurse.
5. Students are not aloud to carry over the counter medications. ALL medications must be signed in by a parent (unless the student is 18yrs old).
6. Prescription medication must have a signed doctor's order before it is allowed to be given.