Welcome to Coach Harris's Class!
Coach Harris's only expectations for the class are that the students participate, and strive toward creating a "thinking classroom" environment! We are a small family in each period, and the behavioral expectation is that everyone is treated with respect.
For my geometry classes, I recommend getting...
1. Geometry Template (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009L39X28/?coliid=I2H17GREVR0YFO&colid=28QV61RFMC9B4&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it)
2. A personal compass and protractor combo pack (we have some in class, https://www.amazon.com/Westcott-Compass-Protractor-Assorted-14558-007/dp/B005H3PG7M/ref=sr_1_8
3. Binder or folder to put notes pages into
For my Algebra 2 classes please get a binder or folder. We will be keeping lots of guided notes so a binder will probably work better! Up to you.
We will be using Schoology to keep students who miss for various reasons up to date on the work completed in class. You can find the Schoology app through the Clever link found on the school webpage.
Also I will be using REMIND this year
1st Period - Text "@geo1ha" to 81010
2nd Period - Text "@geo2ha" to 81010
3rd Period - Text "@4alg2har" to 81010
5th Period - Text "@5alg2har" to 81010
7th Period - Text "@7alg2har" to 81010
I highly encourage you to check skyward regularly. This gives you the option to see where you/your student is in the class at that moment in time.
My daily schedule is:
Odd Day
1 - Geometry
3 - Planning
5 - Algebra 2
7 - Algebra 2
Even Day
2 - Geometry
4 - Algebra 2
6 - Lunch Supervision
8 - Planning
As always, you can reach via email at [email protected]