Mu Alpha Theta / Math Team

 The Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society organization was formed in our school for the purposes of fostering interest, developing strong scholarship, and promoting the enjoyment of mathematics. The society is officially a National High School and a Two-year College Mathematics Honor Society that was formed in 1957 and thus we will follow the general guidelines already set. However, we will, as a Chapter, make independent regulations and activities.

To Join the Society:     

Students must go through an application process. Students must be eligible to apply to the society. The requirements are as follows:

  • Student must have completed Geometry.
  • Student must have an overall GPA of 3.0 and an overall math GPA of 3.5
  • Student must be currently enrolled in an Honors or above level class.
Associate members must have all above qualifications except the completion of Geometry.


Students who are accepted into the Blackman Chapter of Mu Alpha Theta will be required to remain in academic good standing and provide service to others and the chapter. Mu Alpha Theta is an HONOR society and therefore all members are expected to maintain an honorable character at all times. ANY honor-related offense will be grounds for immediate dismissal. Members are expected to participate in the activities of the chapter and uphold the philosophy of the society. These activities include, but are not limited to:

 Meeting Attendance

Members must attend all meetings. Two unexcused absences may result in exclusion from the society. If you will not be able to attend a meeting you must contact one of the advisors at least 24 hours in advance. Meetings will only occur as needed, usually 2 to 3 times per year.


Mu Alpha Theta membership dues for new members of $25. Dues for returning members of $10.  Checks need to be made out to Blackman High School and have "Mu Alpha Theta" written in the memo line of the check. Do not turn in checks until you have been accepted into the organization.

 Special Activities

TMTA Math Contest at MTSU

Other activities to be decided upon by the club membership.


**Cords awarded at graduation for members in good standing for 2 or more years.


Brandi Parsell      [email protected]